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Womb and Fertility Massage Therapy™ is a nurturing and releasing therapy, that helps to clear blockages on physical, spiritual and emotional levels. It brings together a variety of bodywork techniques from traditional cultures and combines them with Abdominal and Sacral massage, Rebozo work (Mexican shawls), Pulsing and Guided Visualisations.

Benefits of Fertility Massage Therapy:

Release any restrictions from adhesions or scar tissue

Release tension in muscles and ligaments

Help the womb into a more natural and optimal positioning, which will also improve blood supply and nourishment for the womb and future baby

Help the fallopian tubes have space to move and ‘dance’

Improve blood flow to digestive and reproductive system

Improve flow in the digestive system

Improve lymphatic drainage and remove toxins

Help to balance hormones

Releases emotional trauma held in the body

Digestion, fertility and the immune system are closely linked and since most of our immune system resides in the digestive tract, we can help support the immune system.



The massage begins on the lower back and buttocks, before moving onto the abdominal area from just beneath your bra line to just above your pubic bone. You will be asked to remove whatever clothing is necessary to access these areas during the treatment, I leave the room so you can undress and get comfy on the couch under a beautiful sarong. When you are ready I can make you cosy with extra blankets and pillows as required.

A range of techniques can be used including pulsing, rocking and holding and you should find it relaxing, but if any area is uncomfortable, do let me know. Often clients fall asleep during their treatments. Towards the end of your session I can include a guided visualisation that can have various intentions, such as a butterfly release for any terminations or miscarriages or a visualisation to call in the spirit of a baby, everything is tailored around your beliefs, needs and requirements.

You can come for just one session or have a course of sessions, it is entirely up to you, however I do request you have a fertility consultation prior to your first treatment.

I can also combine Fertility Massage Therapy with other treatments such as Reproflexology™ and Gentle Release Therapy™ .

Following your treatment it would be ideal to be able to rest and take things easy, so try to schedule it when that is possible. I can’t work on the womb during your bleed and if you may be pregnant so the best time for a treatment would be after your bleed but before ovulation. The massage can be performed at other times, I would just avoid the womb area.

Please contact me if you have any questions.

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